PyQt5 QCalendarWidget – Closing when use is done
In this article, we will see how we can close the QCalendarWidget. Sometimes closing a calendar is necessary after the use of it is completed. It can be done using a close method, this method sends the calendar to the QCloseEvent....
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PyQt5 QCalendarWidget – Getting accept drops property
In this article we will see how we can get the accept drop property of the QCalendarWidget. We know we can make drag enabled using setDragEnabled method with calendar object, but what is the use of dragging the text we can’t drop it any where. Allowing accept drop means that calendar has a property now to accept the drop text of the other calendar widget. Accepting drops is used for setting year as it is the spin box object as child, by default this property is false but can be changed with the help of setAcceptDrops method....
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PyQt5 QCalendarWidget – Override the Window Flags
In this article we will see how we can override the window flags of the QCalendarWidget. In order to do this we use overrideWindowFlags method, this method sets the window flags for the calendar to flags, without telling the window system....
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PyQt5 QCalendarWidget – Getting Minimum Size
In this article we will see how we can get the minimum size of the QCalendarWidget. Minimum size of the calendar is that size after which it can’t be shrunk any further, by default when we create a calendar inside the layout and when the window get extended or shrinks calendar size also increases and shrinks, therefore, there is need to set the minimum size. We can individually set minimum width and height with the help of setMinimumWidth and setMinimumHeight method respectively. We can set the minimum size with the help of setMinimumSize method....
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PyQt5 QCalendarWidget – Checking if it is visible to its ancestor
In this article we will see how we can check if the QCalendarWidget is visible to its ancestor. In order to do this we use isVisibleTo method. This method returns true if the calendar would become visible if ancestor is shown; otherwise returns false. The true case occurs if neither the calendar itself nor any parent up to but excluding ancestor has been explicitly hidden....
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PyQt5 QCalendarWidget – Mapping co-ordinate system from global
In this article we will see how we can map the co-ordinate system to the QCalendarWidget from the global. In order to do this we use mapFromGlobal method, this translates the global screen coordinate position to calendar coordinates.....
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PyQt5 QCalendarWidget – Getting Meta object of it
In this article we will see how we can get the meta object of QCalendarWidget. A meta-object contains information about a class that inherits QObject, e.g. class name, superclass name, properties, signals and slots. Every QObject subclass that contains the Q_OBJECT macro will have a meta-object....
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PyQt5 QCalendarWidget – Blocking all Actions (Signals)
In this article we will see how we can block all the signals that are associated with the QCalendarWidget. There are various signals associated with the calendar such as date change signals page change signal etc. Actions are added to the calendar using this signals only....
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PyQt5 QCalendarWidget – Getting Enabled Property
In this article we will see how we can get the enabled property of the QCalendarWidget. Enabled property holds whether the calendar is enabled or not. In general an enabled calendar handles keyboard and mouse events and a disabled calendar does not. By default calendar is enabled although we can set the enabled property with the help of setEnabled method....
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PyQt5 QCalendarWidget – Getting Content Margin
In this article we will see how we can get the content margin to the QCalendarWidget. By default content margin value is zero. Margin is the extra space between the content and the exterior part, margin gives some space from the exterior parts. We can set/ add margin to calendar with the help of setContentsMargins method....
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PyQt5 QCalendarWidget – Getting Visible Property Status
In this article we will see how we can get the visible property status of QCalendarWidget, by making the visible property False we can make it invisible. We can make it visible with the help of show method but this method will not make it invisible therefore we use visible property that can do both. We can set visible property status with the help of setVisible method....
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PyQt5 QCalendarWidget – Getting Size Increment
In this article we will see how we can get the size increment of the QCalendarWidget. Size increment is used when calendar size is changeable with the change main window size.By default, for a newly-created calendar, this property contains a size with zero width and height....
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